Within the depths of Sherwood Forest, centered in a land that time denied, lies an area of darkness, cold, some say pure evil, called Darken Woods.

Long before Camelot, the woods had been cursed by a great wizard who had been denied his rightful reward. One that had saved the lands, but because of a great undoing, his prize, and instead had been blamed for things he had not done.

A tower was built which was guarded by a dragon, curled around the tower to keep whatever entered from escaping. The wizard was confined to the tower deep within Sherwood Forest, but before he was sent there, he cursed the land around the tower saying that nothing would ever grow which was good, that it would seep into the ground and take all that surrounded it into the darkness with him.

And so it came to be, in the center of the beautiful Sherwood Forest, now lays an area of blackness so dark, it even denies the sun entry. Evil tends to be drawn here; villagers and visitors alike avoid the area like a plague.

Mayhaps one day the sun will again shine in Darken Woods, but for now it remains a place of dread.